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The clinical case - Symptoms of frequency, urgency and nocturia have been cured

The clinical case - Symptoms of frequency, urgency and nocturia have been cured

Name: Mr. Liu

Gender: Male
Age: 60 years old 
Treatment time: 2014.03
Statement: He was tortured by the symptoms of urinary frequency, urgency, terminal dribbling, lower abdominal pain, back pain, swelling of the lower legs, urinating 3 to 4 times at night, urinating once an hour in the daytime, and excreting three times a day. 
Western medicine examination test: Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) is 5.0 higher than normal level. Red blood cell volume is 78.7, which means this volume is lower than normal volume. Urinary PH is 5.0, which means it is lower than normal levels. Serum Phosphorus is 0.79, which means it is lower than normal levels. 
Before contacting with Dr. Lee Xiaoping, Mr. Liu had been treated at hospital for a period of time. However, there was no obvious effect, and the symptoms were easy to be recurrent. Fortunately, his son found Wuhan Dr. Lee’s TCM clinic, and consulted Dr. Lee for diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill for his father.
After reading the test, Dr. Lee analyzed that there was no need to worry about the BUN index, because BUN can be affected by many factor, such as high-protein diet, metabolism, infection, etc. The corpuscular volume is lower, which means that the size of red blood cells is slightly smaller than normal. If the total number of red blood cells and hemoglobin are normal, Mr. Liu should not be so nervous. Besides, the lower serum phosphorus can be caused by hyperparathyroidism, the deficiency of vitamin D, malabsorption of phosphorus and Malabsorption index can be normal through daily diet intake. 
According to the other symptoms of frequency, urgency, nocturia in Mr. Liu, Dr. Lee recommended Mr. Liu to take one course of diuretic anti-inflammatory pill first. In addition, so Dr. Lee added additional formula to release frequency, urgency, nocturia for him because of his serious symptoms. 
Result: After one month treatment, Mr. Liu told Dr. Lee that he felt changes, his symptoms like frequency and urgency were improved significantly. Besides, the times of urination at night was reduced. The pain in abdomen existed as well, but it was relieved than before. So, he continued another month treatment. 
After 3 months treatment, he called Dr. Lee and told all his symptoms were disappeared, and all indicators were normal. At last, he ordered one more course to consolidate curative effect.
article source : http://www.diureticspill.com/Testimonials/20140714/557.html

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Bedding And Linens Shopping Tips

There is no other room in your home that is being used more than bedroom. Just think about it. Most of us spend 1/3 of our lives in the bedroom. While, hopefully, most of that time is sped in sleep, there is hardly www.itariaautorettjp.com/25-kentcurwen any other room in your home that is used as much. Unless of course you have a home based business. Either way bedroom is the place where we begin and end our days. Do you like the way your bedroom is decorate? If yes, great! If not, it is probably affecting your life to a big degree. Fortunately with bedroom can be transformed in minutes into a beautiful place where you can relax and unwind at the end of the day or give you a wonderful and energetic start in the morning. While major redecoration may be required to fully satisfy your taste, a quick trip to a local store, or even better to your computer, to buy new bedding and linens can be truly miraculous.

Unfortunately when shopping for linens and bedding most of us mistakenly エルメネジルドゼニア アウトレット think that designer linens and bedding is way to expensive. This is not necessarily true, especially with online retail today. If you look around the Internet today, you may be surprised at how much you can purchase beautiful set of bedding a linens by leading designers like Nicole Miller,Tommy Hilfiger, Michael Kors and others.

But should you necessarily decorate your bedroom with bedding and linens by the leading designer? The answer to this question of course is no. Nevertheless, you have to remember that all of the leading designers have one thing in common. They are extremely good at understanding of how different colors and patterns relate to each other in terms of harmonizing, complimenting and contrasting each other. If you need your bedroom to be decorated well there is no harm into checking prices on bedding from the leading designers.

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Remember the good old days when diaper bags were simple and cheap?Kent Curwen Well those days have gone away, now the hit is designer diaper bags. With such designer names as Eddie Bauer, Holly Aiken, Caden Lane, JP Lizzy, and Tommy Hilfiger and that's not all that's available.

So what do these bags offer that a normal Winnie the Pooh diaper bag from Wal-Mart doesn't? Let's look at a Tommy Hilfiger diaper bag that is a backpack style. It's striped and made of microfiber, three baby bottles can fit on the side, front zip pocket, interior zip pocket, plus a changing pad, and a removable bottle holder. The website it was found on had it priced at only $66, which isn't that much surprisingly.

OK so if we looked at Tommy Hilfiger let's look at what a Wal-Mart bag would cost. In all fairness to a comparison we pulled up another backpack model on the site and surprisingly the price difference was not much at all, the bag on Wal-Mart was $59.98. Wow it's easy to see why a person would want to go with a named diaper bag if the prices ケント アンド カーウェンare so close!

What about the choices and styles that are offered? There are smaller diaper bags with designer names on them, and medium sized also. You have all different shapes and colors of bags available too. It seems that it's not as hard to fit a designer diaper back into your budget when preparing for your coming precious little one!

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Nine Swedish women transplant Uterus successfully

Nine Swedish women transplant Uterus successfully
A Swedish pioneering research team recently announced that they transplanted wombs to nine women. These nine women successfully received transplanted wombs donated from their relatives. Their conditions were good, so they are expected to become pregnant soon.
According to the doctors, womb transplanting is a new kind of surgery, so at present, it is just a trial. These women are expected to become pregnant and give birth to their own babies, which, however, can not be guaranteed. Some experts said that this trial provides another choice for those women without wombs.
Dr. Mats Brannstrom is the chair of the obstetrics and gynecology department at the University of Gothenburg and he is leading the initiative. The aim of their projuect is to test whether it is possible to transplant wombs into women so they can give birth to their own children. The women were born without a uterus or had it removed because of cervecal cancer, and most of them are in their thirties.
Brannstrom said the nine womb recipients were doing well. Many already had their periods six weeks after the transplants, which is an early sign that the wombs are healthy and functioning. The transplant operations did not connect the women's uteruses to their fallopian tubes, so they are unable to get pregnant naturally. But all who received a womb have their own ovaries and can make eggs.  
Before the operation, they had some eggs removed to create embryos through in-vitro fertilization. The embryos were then frozen and doctors plan to transfer them into the new wombs, allowing the women to carry their own biological children.
For women, uterus is an important organ, which plays an indispensable role in giving birth to children. However, many a woman is suffering uterus diseases, thus making the dream of having their own children a dream forever. The uterus disease refers to lesions in various areas of uterine, such as inflammation, trauma, tumor and precancerous lesions, which is one of the most common diseases in women. Uterine diseases including endometritis, endometriosis, uterine hypertrophy, polyp of the uterus, uterine fibroids, uterus cyst, uterine prolapse, endometrial cancer, etc. The causes of uterine diseases include uterine cavity operations, such as abortion, and infection, etc. To relieve pain for women, the herbal medicine, Fuyan Pill, is developed to cure many problems of female reproductive system.
Major hazards of uterine diseases are as follows:
1. Affecting a woman's fertility. If uterine deformation can not get timely and useful treatment, a woman's fertility can be seriously affected; if patients with a uterus of a single horn, it will be difficult to give birth to children, for the patients have only one fallopian tube.
2. Constituting the uterus mediastinum. Some women are suffering uterine deformation, most of which are accompanied by the risk of uterine mediastinum. At the moment, the chance is higher than other types to have uterine deformation.
3. Leading to infertility. This disease is one of the main factors to form the women infertility, especially along with the uterus of a single horn. Whether natural pregnancy or assisted pregnancy is less successful. If the shape of uterine cavity is abnormal, it can also affect the baby's normal growth and development.
If women are unfortunately to have uterine diseases, it is not that terrible. Fuyan pills can help to relieve pain for women and achieve their dream of having their own babies.

Article Source:http://www.drleetcmclinic.com/a/Blog/2014/0119/159.html



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Sedentary lives may devastate fertility of white-collar men and women

Sedentary lives may devastate fertility of white-collar men and women

Office men, who often sit still for a long time, may suffer from male reproductive problems. According to medical researches, it is found that the chance of erectile dysfunction of men who are used to sedentary lives is twice larger than that of those who exercise regularly. From the perspective of TCM, it holds that "sedentariness injures muscles". Sedentariness and lack of regular exercise cause congestion on male genitals, thus causing inflammation of the prostate(prostatitis).
Dropping testis and even necrosis
For those who sat in the soft sofa, with hips in these, their scrotums are squeezed, so blood in the venous veins is blocked. Therefore, blood microcirculation is obstructed and when it is serious, there will be varicocele, dropping testis and dull pain in lower abdomen. 
And sedentary lives keep harmful substances produced in testicular metabolism from excreting, and it reduces testosterone secretion, thus causing sexual dysfunction, male infertility and even testicular necrosis.
Tips for men's health
Due to so many disadvantages of sedentary lives, office men should pay attention to their working life and health. In an hour, men should be ground up and pour a glass of water or go to the toilet. In addition, men should wear comfortable and pure cotton underwear, avoiding tight and too small pants. In daily life, they also should pay attention to the limited alcohol and avoid acrimony diet. 
Menstrual pain and even infertility
Due to long-term sedentariness, white-collar women would often suffer severe pain during premenstrual and menstrual period. This is because sedentariness and lack of regular exercise, which obstructed blood circulation. Some of them are due to stagnation of Qi and blood stasis, lymphatic or blood line embolism is caused, which will lead to blocked tubes. And due to physical condition, endometriosis can be formed, which are the causes of infertility.
Hemorrhoids, imbalance and gynecopathy
Sedentary women are also easy to suffer from hemorrhoids, chronic pelvic congestion, dysmenorrhea, endocrine disorders and other diseases of department of gynaecology. If their work or life pressure is very heavy, the secretion of the hormone imbalance is disordered by tension, thus affecting the whole endocrine system balance, which will lead to more serious the ineffable diseases.
Tips for women's health
Office women should be active for at least thirty minutes a day, but to achieve this exercise, it can be adjusted according to local conditions, such as while commuting by bus, keep walking for the next two stops. Choose to ride a bike and go upstairs instead of taking the elevator. Or during the TV ads, stand up and walk around. The intensity of exercise can be increased gradually. You can shorten the original 15 minutes walk to 10 minutes. And, of course, if you can afford more time, it is recommended that you might as well do 5 minutes of every work 1 hour of leisure sports, such as stretching your legs, swiveling your head and twisting your waist.
The key of health care is timely exercise. It is said that exercising women are very beautiful and men are charming. Yes, life lies in movement. The arrival of the "little life" needs you to have proper motion. 
Apart from lack of exercise, many diseases cause harm to fertility. If in this situation, the first thing you must do is to choose the right treatment to clear your lesions. Herbal medicine can solve many problems of men and women. Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill and Fuyan Pill can cure men's and women's problems, such as prostatitis, mycoplasma, chlamydia, necrospermia, salpingitis, cystitis, PID, seminal vesiculitis, orchitis, epididymitis, uterine disease and other problems.

Article Source: http://www.drleetcmclinic.com/a/Blog/2014/0127/161.html

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